Friday, February 19, 2010

Of Course Not

Of course I didn't take my camera with me to a cooking class with Edward Brown, author of The Complete Tassahara Cookbook, The Tassahara Bread Book, and others. We learned his way of chopping, listened to interesting tidbits about his life and cooking, and assisted a little in preparing a really wonderful meal:

Kale Salad
Green Chili Souffle with Red Sauce (tomato base with sesame and chipotle)
Roasted Vegetables with Buerre Rouge sauce
Apricots Stewed with Ginger and Lemon

We used lots of fresh parsley and cilantro.

I love robust flavor, and this menu certainly offered that. The meal was also beautiful. I am so sorry I don't have pictures.


  1. The best part was eating. I did learn several important things, too - like more spices.
