Monday, January 18, 2010

Metabolism - Can I blame it?

I would like to. Thyroid? The doctor says I can lay some of the blame there. Reality? I need to eat less and move more, and I hate it. The older I get, the harder it is to maintain my ideal weight. I have more time to cook. I have more time to go to lunch. Food is available. I have to feed kids. Papa is home and he eats. No one is pushing food in my mouth, but temptation abounds.

And I really really do have to eat less to maintain the same weight. And moving is harder. Or should I say moving enough is harder.

Now that my DVD player is up and running and a friend loaned me a whole season of Boston Legal, I am treading regularly. And I do eat right - except for special occasions when I splurge. Like most days. Each one is special. Yesterday, lunch with my friend. Today, pizza party for my grandchildren. Tomorrow, lunch with a friend.
