Sunday, March 21, 2010

Just Awful:)

Tonight was gourmet club. The host couple always prepares a main dish and whatever side is served in the main course. The three other couples provide appetizer, salad, and dessert. And everyone brings a bottle of wine. OK, I said always. Sometimes we do things a little differently, but tonight was accidentally outside the norm. The appetizer person thought she was to bring dessert. So we had TWO desserts. Isn't that awful? And they were both very good.

But I took just the best salad in the world. OK, I am bragging. But I say so and the other three couples said so. Greens from my garden, fresh steamed beets, apples, goat cheese, and an orange mint vinaigrette. It was really great. Oh, I forgot the toasted walnuts. Yum.

Another example of me not taking a camera so you could see:(


  1. Sounds yummy! Did you have one of the desserts as an appetizer? :)

  2. No, the hostess scrambled around a came up with brie and crackers. We had two desserts:) Everyone ate both:)
