Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I am so happy!

While I still have lots to do, my head is now above water. I finished - or rather totally re-painted one painting last night and put the last touches on the other. The studio is not in perfect shape, yet, but it is straight enough to manage. Now I can work some and organize some.

I must go through all my paintings, repair any chips or scratches, and have a whole pile of them ready for Open Studio Tour this weekend.

My little open studio exhibit will be all day Saturday and Sunday on the patio - hopefully with a friend, if she is well enough. So now I need to turn my daytime attention to the front yard. In my opinion, it always looks a little weedy - even though there are none. The plants just have that look. Gotta see what I can do about that and pick up and spread several bags of mulch. Then I will need to sweep up all the berries that fall from the strawberry tree.

Work at the Art Center is a bit slower now. Whew!


  1. I didn't know you were doing Open Studio! That's awesome! Can we come by without a ticket? :)

  2. No tickets required this year:) Should be fun.
