Friday, October 22, 2010


Do you know how to make your grandchildren the most popular kids in the gymnastics class? Let them use your iPad while they wait for class to start. I handed over the iPad with instructions to take turns. Buddy was enjoying his turn by the time other children noticed what he was doing - using a cute reading/spelling app with fun sounds.

Roo was huddled close by, waiting for her turn. Another kid sidled up. His Dad watched. More kids came, then more. And more parents. Folks had to squeeze around the large group, attracting even more interest or curiosity, anyway.

What did I ever do without it? Now I feel a bit lost unless it is handy to read, check mail, or search the web.

How life has changed. Cliche, I know. But in my childhood home we had one phone in the hall. It was not cordless. It did not even have a dial until at least my junior high years. An operator connected our calls.

Now iPhones, Blackberries, and ipads. And more new technology every day.

Wonder what's next.

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